XP ISO/CEI TR 15504-9-1998 Information technology. Software process assessment. Part 9 : vocabulary. 16页
XP ISO/TR 13499-1999 Road vehicle. Data exchange format for impact tests. 9页
XP ISO/TR 14062-2003 Environmental management - Integrating environmental aspects into product design and development. 34页
XP A35-014-2003 Reinforcing steels - Plain, indented or ribbed stainless steel bars and coils. 21页
XP A35-025-2002 Steel products - Hot-dip galvanised bars and coils for reinforced concrete - Wire intended for manufacture of hot-dip galvanised concrete reinforcing steels. 15页
NF Z84-340/A1-1999 无线电设备和系统.欧洲无线电信息系统服务网页电磁兼容性 6页
NF Z84-340-1997 无线电设备和系统.欧洲无线电信息系统(ERMES)分页接收器的电磁兼容性(EMC)(欧洲电信标准ETS 300340) 22页
NF Z84-341-1999 无线电设备及系统(RES).地面移动设备.使用整体式天线向接收机初始特定响应区发送信令的无线电设备的技术特征和试验条件 71页
NF X60-250-1983 保养。用户技术文献的作用。对设备制造商有关安装和组织工作的建议 8页
NF X60-301-1982 工业和专业用耐用品保养标准指南 15页
NF X60-310-1986 Guide on maintenability of equipment. Part 1 : sections one, two and three. Introduction, requirements and maintenability programme. 20页
NF X08-011-1984 颜色。用反射作出白色和其它颜色的样品 8页
NF X08-012-1-2006 Colours - Colorimetry - Colorimetric characteristics of coloured samples - Part 1 : definitions and basic assessment principles. 25页
NF X08-012-1983 颜色。颜色取样的比色特性。测量方法和仪器 29页